Talking about ear protection

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Talking about ear protection

Postby carlk » Thu Jun 17, 2004 7:00 am

just a couple of recommendations but they have other locations 2

thes folks made my custom plugs and very nice they are too
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Postby theseadog » Thu Jun 17, 2004 8:14 am


On a more serious note I had a pair of custom ear plugs made and they did fir very well, but I couldn't help thinking that they weren't as effective as foam plugs. To test this I did the same run at the same sort of pace with the custom plugs and then foam ones ( Earsoft, which are rated at 36 which at the time was the best ) .

Anyway long story short, for me the foam plugs are MUCH quieter than the expensive silicon ones that were made for me, and I mean really significantly quieter. Consequently I now have a pair of custom plugs that I never use :roll:

Just my experience, I wouldn't spend then money on them ever again and would stick with the foam.

Keep it sticky side down.


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Postby Mick Mac » Thu Jun 17, 2004 9:06 am

Yes, I have to agree with Paul. I had a long chat with Green Leopard at the BMF show in Kent at the weekend. My HJC helmet is very noisy and I was humming and haaing at the price (£45 for a custom fit, there and then; £98 if sent off to the lab). The guy very kindly gave me some Insta-putty which you mould into the appropriate shape and bung it in your lug hole. This blocks the outer ear canal and is supposed to give you an idea of what the finished article will be like.

I used it on the way back to the sunny south at slightly illegal speeds and I also found that it was noisier than the foam plugs.

I normally use the 'Ear Classic' from Cabot Safety Ltd, EN 352-2: 1993, CE94 0194. This is a yellow cylindrical plug which seems denser and therefore more effective than the tapered plugs. I'd be interested to hear from anyone who has found a plug that is effective but will allow the use of rider to pillion comms. I'm thinking of getting the Starcom system that Steve Mac and a FJR rider recommended at the BMF. There was also an interesting article in May's BMW Club journal that recommended the system, which is half the price of the leading system!

My next move will be to try and eliminate some of the wind noise coming up from underneath. I believe you can buy some kind of skirt that goes around the bottom of the helmet and tucks inside the jacket. I'm sure this will help a lot. I'll let you know how I get on.


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Postby Harry » Thu Jun 17, 2004 1:28 pm

Blimey Mick - I'm glad I stuck up all those posts about the Kent show! is it coz I is kentish, or don't you read the days out forum?

Oh well. horse - water - etc etc.


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Postby carlk » Thu Jun 17, 2004 2:07 pm

I think you may be right about the foam plugs seeming quieter than custom jobbies,
This is the gen I have been given to date....
The air spaces in foam plugs allow less transmision of sound than solid plugs.....BUT! the majority of people have problems getting foam plugs to fit effectively, either allowing gaps (and noise), or being uncomfortably tight (causing discomfort and increasing fatigue).
Solid plugs are easier to clean than foam ones and many people use foam plugs more than once, this may result in all manner of nasty bugs and infections. :shock:
Most professional (police, paramedics etc.) riders use custom plugs as they are generally easier to fit repeatedly, cause fewer infections, have the required noise reduction properties and can be used with comms equipment . Oh, and their employers supply them for free :)

Basically you pay yer money etc......
As a daily rider I went for custom plugs after mucking about with foam plugs. Sadly though I didnt use them in time to prevent some hearing loss and I now struggle to pick up conversations over background noise :cry: :cry:
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Postby Mick Mac » Thu Jun 17, 2004 6:05 pm

Harry, sorry I couldn't make your ride out. Coming up was a last minute decision. I arrived up near West Farleigh at ten o'clock on Friday night and was led badly stray by a Scotsman called Chivas :? . so was in no condition to ride first thing!! I did spot a BCR in the car park. I also had a good chat with Steve Mac on the BMW Club stand. Steve has a very nice S and used to use the old Yahoo group. I've pointed him in this direction.

Carl, I know what you mean about less than perfect hearing. I also struggle when there's a lot of background noise. My friend in Kent, who is in his mid-fifties and a lifelong motorcyclist, had very bad hearing due to lack of knowledge about noisy helmets when he was younger!

I'm sure you are right about re-using foam plugs. They can't be the most hygenic.

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Postby bernsmartco » Mon Jun 28, 2004 12:02 pm

Until recently I used soft rubber plugs (like 3 little mushrooms stacked on top of each other). I got some custom jobs after an impression/fitting at the BMF show and they were crap by comparison. Complained to the supplier who offered to make me some more so stood in a layby at 21:30 (he happened to be passing by down the motorway) having another impression made. This second set is much better because they go a lot deeper into the ear canal and are comfortable but I would not have wasted money on custom fit had I known.
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