Tank Bag

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Tank Bag

Postby Penfold » Sat Apr 17, 2004 11:33 pm

Having decided to "take the plunge" into R1100S ownership (give me time guys; not convinced yet :shock: ), I now realise that my estimated times of arrival will be wildly inaccurate as I won't know where I'm going, 'cos my magnetic tank bag will have fallen off a few miles ago. Again. :roll:

Opinions please: In your experience, which is best: a) BMW tank bag at about £160 or b) Baglux (as per Darth's posts) at about £145. I can suffer 15 quid to get the right product, and that Bagster Delta bag does look the biz, especially with the map pocket angled towards the rider (I'm a short arse too). Or would you suggest something else, or from a different source than a) my local BM dealer b) Baglux UK.
Thanks in advance,
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Postby boxerpan » Sun Apr 18, 2004 7:07 am

I foolishly got the BMW tankbag b4 I knew of this site and all its pearls of wisdom :idea: It is small, very tall with the extention and will slide from side to side with turbulance as it's only attached front and back. I cannot recommend this product, others will however extoll the virtues of the baglux :)


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Postby minivin » Sun Apr 18, 2004 7:51 am

I've got the BMW system at the moment and as long as you pull the straps tight at the back it doesn't slide around that much, in fact I find myself resting on it in traffic when I'm bored of not being able to filter with the panniers on for risk of removing lots of mirrors ;)

However I've had just the Baglux tank cover on my prvious bike and it is a god send at not just being a tank bag harness but also a means of protecting your tank! my R11S is starting to suffer from a scratched tank when the bag is not fitted so I tend to take the bag everywhere now. But in due course I'll be replacing the BMW system with the Baglux system!
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Postby theseadog » Mon Apr 26, 2004 10:14 pm

I bought the BMW egg from another trixter and I have to say that whilst it's not the biggest bag in the world it does hold quite a lot. I managed to get a 4 Litre carton of Oil, filter and plugs as well as some other crappola into it without any probs and still had space left.

Never experienced it sliding about side to side,not even with the 4 litre oild can in it. It's certainly the nicest bag I've seen especially when it's in small size, and it allows you to fill up with fuel without having to remove it. In the end it depends what you want from your TB. If you want loads of space then get the Baglux, loads of choices for what bag to fit to your tank cover and they do get a very good name. Me I just wanted a tank bag for carry some items around in as there's no useable underseat storage, If I want to carry lots I'll put on me panniers.

Like the man said I'm sure people will praise/flame both, me I like it, thgouh admitedly my old Oxford bag was probably more practical, but not much use on a plastic tank cover ;-)

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Postby RiceBurner » Tue Apr 27, 2004 9:35 am

Got a Baglux on the Rockster, but with the small "City" bag on it.

Tried it for the first time this morning and it's great. :D doesn't get in the way AT ALL (my big bugbear with most tankbags), the map pocket seems to be at a good angle and it's completely unobtrusive.

My GF has one as well on her 'Blade and loves it. :D (she can rest her chest on it.... ;) )
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Postby bernsmartco » Tue Apr 27, 2004 12:17 pm

How does one become a tank bag? :wink:


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Tank Bag

Postby Boxertools » Tue Apr 27, 2004 9:43 pm

On a trip to Scotland I taped large washers over duct tape to the tank fairings & used my Oxford magnetic bag. This worked well.
The next step was to remove the body panels and fix the washers to the rear of the panels. This also was success. I now use my oxford bag just as I would on any bike.


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Postby bernsmartco » Thu Apr 29, 2004 12:00 pm

Bit of lateral thinking here, obviously not for the purists on this site adding all that extra weight.
I suppose that now I ride executive machinery I should be prepared to shell out a fortune for a new purpose made one but I just can’t bring myself to do it. A few washers and some gaffer tape appeal to my sense of frugality.
Thanks for the tip.

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