Tank Slappers

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Tank Slappers

Postby Paul » Thu Jul 01, 2004 9:40 pm


I've just been applying the TankSlapper protective film kit to my bike. It's a set of pre-cut clear plastic sheets applied to the bike's bodywork to protect the paint. I ordered the full body kit at $51, which took just over a week to be delivered from California. This kit covers:

- the lower part of the petrol tank centre panel
- the knee wells on the side panels
- the tank strips between the centre panel and the knee wells
- the side fairing bulges over the throttle bodies
- the lower rear fairing edges
- the frame above the swinging arm pivot
- the headlight
- er, a couple of other bits I've not worked out the placement for yet...

The sheets go on easily if you follow the instructions to the letter. I got a little impatient fitting the headlight cover and cut a small nick out of the sheet, however with hindsight I think I would have fitted it without cutting if I'd taken just a tad more time...

They really are very difficult to see, but they look thick enough to give a good level of protection to the paint. The headlight cover particularly is very smart and completely unobtrusive, unlike those ventura lense shield jobbies.

I'll let you know how effective they are as time goes on, but so far, so good.



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Postby Paul » Tue Aug 03, 2004 4:07 pm

Had them on now for a few weeks and they are completely brilliant. 10/10 and a snip at $50
You really need only two tools: WD-40 and duct tape. If it doesn't move and it should, use WD-40. If it moves and shouldn't, use the tape.

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Postby sybecs@supaday.com » Sun Feb 27, 2005 12:30 pm

got our lass aset [good for testing ] shes fitted em in about 20 minutes so must be a peice off pi....easy

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