Delpel=1 - ABS/Servo=0

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Delpel=1 - ABS/Servo=0

Postby Delpel » Sat Nov 26, 2005 4:52 pm

Finally finished ripping out the ABS/Servo system on my 2003 R1150GS rebuild project.

The story so far. Back in June, I brought a crashed 2003 R1150GS, Blue/White with 10,000KM on the clock for approx £360 GBP. Spent just over £800 GBP on spares etc and rebuilt her. Unfortuently the ABS control was kapoot and I decided to rip it all out rather than pay a lot of money for a replacement unit. Didn't really flick my switch having all that electronics in control of my brakes.

After much research on this site, Pelican, Boxertrix and ADVrider a plan was formed and parts ordered.

The rear brake was modified first which was straightforward. Connected the rubber hose from the caliper straight to the master cylinder. Took the bike out on the roads and managed to lock the rear wheel with out to much effort. This proved the standard calipers and master cylinder where up to the job with out all that servo assistance.

The only drama was the brake light switche and the tail light. Both are wired through the ABS control unit on this bike (ABS/Servo integral brakes) I swopped the brake light switch with a switch from a non ABS bike and rewired the tail light to Fuse 2.


Next, onto the front end.
TTFN and enjoy the weather where ever you are!!

Derek 8) 8) 8)

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Delpel=1 - ABS/Servo=0 Continued

Postby Delpel » Sat Nov 26, 2005 4:54 pm

The options for the front end were braided lines or a u-link from BMW. This piece is specified for non-ABS fitted bikes. It came down to costs at the end of the day.

The u-link replaces the distribution block that runs to the ABS control unit and joins the lines directly to the calipers. Simply a case of removing the distrbution block and replacing it with the u-link. I used a motrax one-way bleeding device which simplified the whole process.

The front brake light switch will need replacing as it is the same as the rear switch ie, contacts closed at rest and open when the lever is pulled. I don't think this is an issue on non-servo equiped bikes.

When I get a chance I shall weigh the ABS control unit and other bits to see what I've saved.

The only other thing to do was to ride the bugger. The brakes worked a treat. I think they will get better as the new discs bed in.

much beers and pats on back at a job well done.
TTFN and enjoy the weather where ever you are!!

Derek 8) 8) 8)

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Postby Delpel » Tue Nov 29, 2005 6:37 pm

Well I finally nearly finished this project. I have posted a thread on the UKGS'er site.

Thanks to all you guys who offered your pearls of wisdom in my numerous hours of need
TTFN and enjoy the weather where ever you are!!

Derek 8) 8) 8)

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