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TYRES IN FRANCE- A Public Service Announcement

Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 4:49 pm
For those of you coming down here next weekend (25th May), REMEMBER, tyres cost less down here! Ifyou've got enoughmeat to get down here and go for a hoon on the Saturday, we can stop at the tyre place in Niort Saturday afternoon and fixyou up. The saving is between 20-30% on a set.
Just let me know the preferredmake/type/size (why has myspacebar started actingup?)

STEVE! TYRES! :roll: :D :D :D

Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 9:15 am
by dave2wheels
in France ...that'll be Michelins of course, nice tyres the Pilot Road 2 I have at the mo but so pricey here. Dave

Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 2:44 pm
Achrely no, Dave. Anything you want, old fellow

Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 1:27 pm
by jltownshend
I was going to post...

I'm on my way...(it'll pay for the ferry)...

But as I limped to work in Reading down the M4 on Sunday night with a flat...and sit at work waiting, waiting, waiting for the tyres I've ordered to come in to the local tyreshop, and can't find the hole to plug so I can drive back to London (on a dangerrously shagged carcass), and can't face the prospect of sitting in a recovery vehicle listening to a madman for two or three hours, even though I'm spending 35 quid a day (including a 4am train to London on Monday), and really enjoying sharing space twice daily with coughing, sneezing and handkerchief less poor people with TB ...

I shan't.


I have discovered a new hairstyle though... :shock: