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I'm REALLY getting fed up ....

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 8:48 am
by slparry
.... of this now....

Being banned that is.

Well not quite banned but asked to leave. Yesterday I had the embarresment and displeasure of being asked to leave the Tesco store in Mold.

Why? Well I nipped there on my motorbike to pick up some milk and butter, and because I'd not taken my helmet off (but had lifted the front of it up so my mug was totally visible) the security guard asked me to take it off. I protested and asked for the manager, he was called and refused to come and see an irate customer.

The helmet is BMW System 6 flip front one the same as the police wear, would they ask a police rider to remove his?? What about someone wearing a hoodie? Or a burkha?

Fantastic customer relations! Tesco will now never get my business as they obviously don't care how they treat customers!

I nipped around the corner to the Co-op to pick up my bits and bobs, they didn't mind me wearing my helmet and when I mentioned it at the checkout several of their staff where appalled at Tesco's behaviour.

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 8:58 am
by f800s
I could understand if it was a full face helmet, but not a flip up. Do they ask everyone wearing a hat of any kind to remove it?!!! What is more surprising is the manager refusing to come and sort it out. Well done Tesco. :(

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 10:17 am
by Grip Fast
We've boycotted them for a couple of years now because of the way they ignore the wishes of residents who don't want Tesco to take over their high street and put all the existing shops out of business. And we know several other folks who won't go near them.

So it is odd the way they were belly aching and hand wringing about loss of market share a month or so ago.

So you've come up with another reason not to give them my hard-earned.

Re: I'm REALLY getting fed up ....

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 10:53 am
by big rob
slparry wrote:.... of this now....

Being banned that is.

Well not quite banned but asked to leave. Yesterday I had the embarresment and displeasure of being asked to leave the Tesco store in Mold.

Why? Well I nipped there on my motorbike to pick up some milk and butter, and because I'd not taken my helmet off (but had lifted the front of it up so my mug was totally visible) the security guard asked me to take it off. I protested and asked for the manager, he was called and refused to come and see an irate customer.

The helmet is BMW System 6 flip front one the same as the police wear, would they ask a police rider to remove his?? What about someone wearing a hoodie? Or a burkha?

Fantastic customer relations! Tesco will now never get my business as they obviously don't care how they treat customers!

I nipped around the corner to the Co-op to pick up my bits and bobs, they didn't mind me wearing my helmet and when I mentioned it at the checkout several of their staff where appalled at Tesco's behaviour.

sadly the UK has been hijacked by self important jobsworths, a Tesco 'Security Guard' has about as much clout as a primary school milk monitor [smilie=cop.gif]

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 10:59 am
by one_bad_mofo
I'd suggest the company's head office and have a rant at them.

I regularly use a Tesco petrol station (it's the cheap place for petrol where I live) and have only once been asked to remove my helmet. The stupid thing is I had already paid and was onmy way out... :roll:

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 11:13 am
by big rob
one_bad_mofo wrote:I'd suggest the company's head office and have a rant at them.

I regularly use a Tesco petrol station (it's the cheap place for petrol where I live) and have only once been asked to remove my helmet. The stupid thing is I had already paid and was onmy way out... :roll:

below is a copy of a letter I got from Morrison's after complaining about such

Good afternoon Robert,

Thank you for your email and apologies for my delayed response.

I am sorry to hear that you are disappointed with the way you were treated in our Arbroath petrol station. I must clarify though that it is company policy that all bikers remove their helmets in petrol stations. Our reasons for this are security and consideration to our staff and other customers. It is also necessary to aid our staff with age restricted sales.

Whilst I appreciate that it is a contentious issue that motorcyclists must remove their helmets whilst other customers do not have to remove facial coverings, this is at present company policy. This means that staff members cannot act under their own discretion on this matter. I will register this complaint with the relevant department and they will make any decision regarding policy change.

I am sorry that you don’t agree with this policy but unfortunately it is policy and all staff members should enforce this.

Thank you for taking the time to bring this to our attention and if you ever have any further queries please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Kind regards,
Customer Services Department
Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC


Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 11:49 am
by madthemad
About two years ago I too was in my local Tesco store. I went in with my full face helmet on when an old lady supervisor ran up to me and said, " it is our policy not to wear helmets in our store." I replied," your policy is working as you are not wearing a helmet." I was then asked to take off or leave the store. I took it off as I wanted some bread. :D

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 1:16 pm
by dave the german
I once went into a shop purposely with my helmet on once - it was a chemists and I wanted some condoms!! I was young and embarrassed!! :oops:

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 6:42 pm
by Steve1200S
At a jet station I got told I couldn't sit on my bike and fill it up. Apparently its too dangerous in case the bike catches fire and you cant get away from it quick enough!

I also like the MCN story of someone who got told to remove their helmet because the dangerous build up of petrol fumes inside the helmet could be lethal!

I've always taken my helmet off because I understand it's not good for ID and whatever, but Ive never owned a flip-front. Don't see the problem as long as your face is visible.

Someone should try wearing a burka under their lid and go into a petrol station. See if they are happy once the lids off!

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 10:41 pm
by Boxered
I actually agree that we should take off our lids if we enter the shop, it is just ill mannered not to do so, just like it is ill mannered of the morons who enter my (computer) shop wearing sunglasses and proceed to ask techy type questions, I absolutely refuse to engage them until they remove them :evil:

What I DO tend to do in those fuel stops where they are a bit anal, and won't let you fill up until you take your lid off, is having removed my lid, proceed to the checkout still wearing my earplugs, and to ask them to repeat everything " SORRY, I Can't Hear you" ......What.....oh ..just the petrol please!.....EH.....points? it's electronic ignition nowerdays.......Pardon?
Sorry.....errh ...what..oh my card...yes...errr....THANK YOU!
and with a cheery wave I leave the checkout with my tongue firmly tucked in my cheek, thing is, this happens roughly twice a month in the SAME forecourt!

As I see it, you have to play them at their own's just that we're better at it than them :lol:

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 6:53 am
by slparry
thing is I was going to have no interaction with anyone, I went in to get milk and butter, which I would have put through their self service checkouts.

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 9:12 am
by bikemad99
If it was my shop I think I would prefer you to keep it closed with a dark visor on. :lol: :lol:

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 9:20 am
by slparry
bikemad99 wrote:If it was my shop I think I would prefer you to keep it closed with a dark visor on. :lol: :lol:

good point :)

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 12:12 pm
by bobtail

I got a 'lifetime ban' from a shop in Birkenhead once :shock:

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 2:40 pm
by slparry
bobtail wrote:Steve,

I got a 'lifetime ban' from a shop in Birkenhead once :shock:

that's a result isn't it :)